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“You can brush my hair... Imagination, life is your creation...”

Publié par Barbieboy

In Belgium, it is so hard to find collectible Barbie dolls in store. That’s why, to quench my thirst, sometimes I also buy Playlines. These are the dolls that can make every little girl (and me! LOL!) happy. They’re called Hair-tastic. Strangely the name...

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Barbie hits a goal!

Publié par Barbieboy

I travelled abroad today. I said “travel abroad”, but I actually went to Aachen in Germany. It was not expensive. With a Euregio train from Liege (where I live), I only had to pay 16euros for a return ticket. In the weekends, for that price, you can also...

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Say it to me, Ken!

Publié par Barbieboy

Have you ever dreamed about having a Ken doll just for yourself that can tell you everything you want to hear ? For example : You are beautiful ! Your bum doesn’t look big in that dress ! Just relax on the couch while I do all the house chores ! Now your...

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The Heads of Fashionistas Swappin' Styles

Publié par Barbieboy

After the end of the era of the Fashion Fever in tubes, I stopped buying Playlines… until the Fashionistas dolls were released ! They have 12 points of articulations and can do many poses. That makes no difference to me since I don’t debox, but I still...

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They're together again!

Publié par Barbieboy

This is the giftset I received as a Pre Valentine's Day gift. Barbie finally decided to take Ken back: She Said Yes! You can even see the lip mark on Ken's cheek! Barbie kissed him to show that she's happy that they're together again! Barbie and Ken look...

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Barbie Joyeux Noël

Publié par Barbieboy

In this first article of 2011, I would like to show you this doll named Barbie Joyeux Noël. I got her as a Christmas Gift from a friend in a Barbie Forum. I like her a lot, because I didn't have her yet in my collection! (Thanks, Themis!) Since 2009,...

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Here are the new Fashionistas!

Publié par Barbieboy

Here are some new Fashionista Dolls that I received for my birthday. Ken, in this second wave, is sporty, but for me he is always a hottie ! (His name in the first wave) Sassy and Sweetie with more accessories ! The Best Friends collections, each set...

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Oh, no!

Publié par Barbieboy

Oh, no ! A new wave of Fashionista ? I should have guessed that there would be other dolls, just like the Fashion Fever ! Now that I have the dolls from the first wave, I feel « obliged » to have the others ! Fortunately, these three were given to me...

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Five new comers for Valentine's Day!

Publié par barbieboy.over-blog.com

I got a surprise yesterday ! My friend has decided that Valentine’s Day came earlier for us this year ! I found five other Fashionista Barbie dolls in five different places ! In the corridor, in the bedroom, on the toilet ( ! ), in the Barbie room, and...

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Which Fashionista are you?

Publié par barbieboy.over-blog.com

Which Fashionista are you? I gave up on playline barbie dolls since Mattel stopped the production of the Fashion Fever in tubes and introduced the new version that, in my opinion, are less beautiful. But then I got tempted by the Fashionistas! There’s...

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